Water Fasting
Water Fasting Books, Links, Video Links

Water Fasting Books, Links, Video Links

Articles and Videos


Effect of prolonged water fasting on diabetes 2

Short-term fasting includes profound neuronal autophagy

How much protein is excessive ?

Eat Stop Eat – Expanded Edition Review

Ketosis explained – for weight loss, health or performance

The “Whoosh” Effect: Burning fat and losing weight don’t happen simultaneously!

Dr. Jason Fung Canadian Nephrologist located in Toronto

Prof. Valter Longo ,Professor of Gerontology and of Biological Science

Fasting during chemotherapy may offset some side effects of cancer-fighting drugs

Fasting and cancer treatment in humans: A case series report

Fasting and differential chemotherapy protection in patients

Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds

Extra-virgin olive oil preserves memory, protects brain against Alzheimer’s

Can Vitamin D3 Heal Autoimmune Disease?

Low carb can cure reflux disease.

How does a Ketogenic Diet affect you? Part 3: C Reactive Protein: A marker for inflammation 

Gerson Therapy – a natural cancer healing method based on a German Dr Max Gerson’s therapy of healing with high-dense nutrition like juice

Panel suggests that dietary guidelines stop warning about cholesterol in food !

Was Bringt Fasten Wirklich ? (This article is in German Language)

Allergy and the gastrointestinal system (70-80% if entire immune system)

What is Autophagy?

Artificial Sweeteners affect metabolism and insulin levels

Ketosis & Measuring Ketones

Study: New fat cells are created quickly, but dieting can’t eliminate them.

Vitamins D 3 and K2 – The Dynamic Duo

Organic Broccoli Sprouts Provide Amazing Health Benefits….& Sulforaphane

The Effect of Vitamin C on Cancer Treatments – National Cancer Institute

Dry Fasting (we do not promote fry fasting at our facility but just want to provide a wide variety of information)

NCBI – Alan Goldhamer: Water Fasting – The Clinical Effectiveness of Rebooting Your Body

Multiple Sclerosis Help – Matt Embry healed himself with food

Benefits of Coenzyme Q10 ( CoQ10 )

The Health Benefits of Water Fasting

Can you drink distilled water safely?

5 Ways Oxygenated Magnesium Benefits your Body

Fasting and Healing if one of the most innovative topics the modern mainstream medical world is now looking into more closely. Fasting, Intermittent Fasting and Healing as well as Extended Fasting and Healing has a fascinating centuries old history in all cultures. The main religions practice Fasting for as long as they exist.

There is a lot of medical research reported in Germany as well as Russia where Fasting and Healing has been a important part of clinical treatments of Immune system illness and mental illness.
#IntermittentFasting #ExtendedFasting #WaterFasting #FastingandHealing


VIDEO – Short Term Fasting can make Chemotherapy Safer and More Effective

VIDEO – Valter Longo, Ph.D. on Fasting-Mimicking Diet & Fasting for Longevity, Cancer & Multiple Sclerosis

VIDEO – Dr. Guido Kroemer on Autophagy, Caloric Restriction Mimetics, Fasting & Protein Acetylation

VIDEO – Ruth Patterson, Ph.D. on Time-Restricted Eating in Humans & Breast Cancer Prevention

VIDEO – Dr. David Perlmutter: Intermittent Fasting, Epigenetics & What Sugar Really Does To Your Brain

VIDEO – Dr. Mark Mattson talks about benefits of intermittent Fasting

VIDEO – Megan J Ramos Speech on the IDM Protocol of Dr. Jason Fungs Fasting Clinic in Toronto

VIDEO – The Calorie Deception, Dr. Jason Fung Talk

VIDEO – Eat – Fast – And Live Longer by Professor Valter Longo  

VIDEO – Obesity Code Podcast interview about Fasting and Autophagy Dr. Jason Fung & Megan Ramos

VIDEO – The actor and NFL player talks about his intermittent fasting experience